Sunday, November 30, 2008


Volition,unlike other reports in the blog is a highly opinionated column.Penning down everything from the bottom of the heart,here is the author shooting straight from the shoulder.

When India's financial capital,Mumbai was attacked by mindless terrorists,the whole world came to a standstill.Terrorism had assumed a new face,had reached the next level and here was the country still trying to figure out how to combat it.U.S President GeorgeW.Bush,President- elect Barrack Obama sent messages of solidarity and support stating they would stand by the nation in their fight against terror and Lo and Behold!Here is a party within the nation that still continues to play the blame game.Is it the time to point fingers at every other party in the country and asking them to shoulder the blame.Is it not the time where all the national and state parties must unite and show their resolve against terror?When the whole world stands by us,where is the need to fight within us?We know that you people form the opposition party in the country,there is absolutely no need to prove it jumping up and opposing every move playing the blame game.As elderly statesmen there must be a maturity level which should make you understand that both the parties are children of the same mother-Mother India.

How many times have we heard "I condemn the attacks.People need to stay calm and move on."Possibly more times than a trademark punch dialogue in a Superstar film.Seriously,its become a very common thing condemning attacks every month.When will top leaders gather the courage and gain the guts to come out in open and state that hereby the Govt will ensure that the country will never be attacked by terror.There wont be any bloodshed.Point2...staying calm.People are shot like birds and staying calm?!?!Damn!Should we not fightback?!?!Should we not show what material Indians are made up of?!?!We are not saints.India's got to display strength and courage and not bow down to these barbaric acts of cowardice.We need to nail down every one who try to terrorise the country.Lets stop using the word condemn...May the leaders promise that India is never ever going to be attacked by terror!Let the Indian Fightback begin!

Delink internal security,defense,foreign affairs,law and order from politics.Politicians can no more garner votes with these factors.These are the sentiments of the people acroos the country.If half of the money spent in election campaigns goes towards the defense in the country,if only!But instead it goes down the drain and into promoting and demeaning each others' party.Why cant these posts be given to the top cops in the country who perhaps would be equipped with more knowledge then infact current politicians or for that matter even corporate heads who could handle the state of affairs in a better fashion.This is the rock bottom it cant get worse possibly,can it?!!?

Reports state that the country had been already warned of such an incident and that danger would come through the sea.Where have our intelligence sources gone?!??!To take a stroll?Shouldnt we have learnt a lesson from the previous attacks??There must be perfect coordination between the Navy and the Coastal Guards.It is said that fishermen knew RDX was being smuggled.Yet,nothing is brough to the limelight *pathetic*Shouldnt every vehicle or in this case(boat) that enters India be thoroughly checked?Maybe the politicians need not be blamed after all,its the system under which they are working that need to be revamped.A week after every attack, there are debates held on what is the next step.Someimes we even go to the extent of planning moves to counter terrorsim!But the implementation?Execution?The problem is the gravity of incident decreases and the mayhem and the assault is forgotten except by the victims. Change.Federal Investigative Agengy needs to be set up,not alone promised to be set up.Ask for target dates.

During World War 2,self defense was taught to the citizens.Liberalize and allow licensing of weapons.Its a legal right to protect ourself from murderers,isnt it?The Taj for ages has been a symbol of Mumbai's heritage,its not just a hotel.Lets strive to rebuild it with whatever contribution possible.The Taj needs to be resurrected in all glory.

"Forgiving the terrorists is upto GOD.
Fixing their appontment with HIM is our job"
-Indian Army

All politicians need to be made to serve for the Indian Army,just to understand the meaning of patriotism.For a change,lets swap roles!How would it be like if Hemant Karkare and Ashok Kamte were leading the country in political issues?Paradise India. When terrorsits were armed with AK-47's one of the Mumbai policemen was found using a .303 pistol used in World War1!And we still hope to gun them down!No proper funding of equipment,ammunition by the Govt to the Army,NSG. My heart goes out for all those selfeless heroes who laid their lives for the country.Hemant Karkare,Ashok Kamte,Sandeep Unnikrishnan,Gajender Singh,Salaskar and other commandos,India salutes U.These men have died, for the country to live on.Its not in throwing money to the families of these gentlemen,that's enough.The only way you could possible respect their sacrifice is in ensuring that another Kamte or Karkare doesnt die.The only possible tribute that we could pay them is that to ensure that their sacrifices have not gone waste.We will.We will ensure that we continue to fight the battle and emerge victorious.Behind every fearless face of a commando is an entire family praying for its son.Behind the confidence in their eyes are an entire family's nervous eyeballs crowned by twitching eyebrows.We will not let down the heroes.India will fight.Atleast my generation will.

To the mad,senseless and mindless animals,India will fight back.India will hit back,hit back HARD.You may have been able to shake the foundation of Taj but our resolve in fighting all you terrorists is unshakeable.

Mumabi Meri Jaan!

Bharat Mata Ki Jai!

Jai Hind!