Friday, December 2, 2011

How To Keep Jobs Happy

Dear M.Ps',

If the intention of using an iPad is to save resources, why don't you *buy* your proposal ?

It would save Rs.48,100/ head. A total of Rs. 1,031,700, which according to prior calculation would feed 32,240 Indians thrice, on a given day.

You would ask why do I bother about a crore, when there has been a 2.5 crore loss every day during the winter session. Tell me about it!

Well, here is an idea - why don't you actually fast for an iPad ?

At least, get an internet connection done in the Parliament.


PS: I really don't mind if a crore is going to save my country a one lakh and a seventy five thousand crores. Oh yeah, Maths. Oh yeah, iPad.

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